
Hey, Mr. President! I don’t see Russia invading my country. I seem to remember they wouldn’t because so many of us are armed. We didn’t need to rely on neo-nazis either. Like you, Mr. President of Ukraine.

Attention Women

My late maternal grandmother had been a Sufferagette, she was an early pioneer in Women’s Rights. Every election I make sure to vote because she was very proud of the role she had played in earning that Right for me. I was a young girl during the real push for Women’s Rights in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I saw women go from being trapped in miserable marriages to abusive men, finally being able to get away. True, at first, the women were not able to support themselves and had had to rely on alimony, but as we gained in our courage and belief in ourselves, we got better jobs and were able to support ourselves. Some of us, don’t even need or want a man in their lives.

Ok. We know our history “herstory”. That isn’t really what this is about. Well, not directly anyway. I had wanted to remind you of how far we’ve come. 

So, why, after all those struggles to get to where we are now are we willing to take it away from our daughters and granddaughters?  What do I mean? Two words: Trans women. Why are we sooooo freaking willing to sit by and let men, who cannot compete as men in men’s sports, dress up as women and compete against women? Just because he takes hormones, grows tits and says, “I’m actually a woman”does not change the fact that he is a man. His musculature is still male. His anatomy is still male. And oh look! She is breaking all kinds of records! Imagine that!!! A man is breaking records in women’s competitions! It would be laughable if it was not hurting so many young women’s self esteem.

Look, a long time ago, smarter people than the ones running things now, realized that men and women are different. They cannot compete against each other because it is not fair to the women or the men either really. At least back when men still were taught to respect women.

An Ambassador to the U.N.said something a couple months ago that really hit home with me, I spent an hour on Duck Duck Go trying to find his name and where he was from and I could not. I got the same stupid websites about how to tell if your boyfriend was losing interest in you, or if your friends were. Even when I searched for U.N.Ambassador quotes! Anyway, what he said was, “if you aren’t willing to stand up now, what will they make you sit through next?” Or something very close to that, it’s the other reason I’d wanted to find it!

I did hear today a young woman sent a letter to the NCAA regarding this very topic, she also made it public. There was also an unconfirmed report her Twitter page was taken down, but it had also been said it was a “fake account”. Come on! Fake Twatter pages? Y’all put way too much importance on something that would disappear with no internet to back it up!! And I am speaking to the Twatter Cancel Mobs when I say that mainly.

Ok. So, this is something for not only the women to think about, but something for the men, too. If real women are being put down as “bleeders” and you can’t say “pregnant women” because it’s going to hurt done dude pretending to be a woman’s Feelings? How long will it be before they come for the men? You know, you guys who still tell titty jokes, albeit quietly? You guys who still work on cars, own guns (where you can), belch and scratch. How long before they come for you? Yes, they’ve been coming for you for decades, but you know the Lefties and they haven’t fully crushed you. Yet. Not by a long shot.

Happy Women’s History Month!

Plandemic 5 “W’s”

Hi, been a while since I’ve written anything and I am sorry about it. I am constantly composing articles in my head, but after a day spent at work solving other people’s problems on a laptop, the last thing I want to do is sit down in front of another laptop. Plus that is a real brain wipe and what I’ve tried to compose gets lost in the negativity of what people will say to someone electronically. Ok. Enough of my excuses! On with the article!!

Here is where I am after 2 years of this BS of a “pandemic”. Or as a lot of bloggers have called it from the start, a “plandemic” as this seems more and more to have been a carefully planned and executed event. Some is known and a lot is not and we may never know all of it.

From the beginning it seemed, to me, that this was not a “natural” or “normal” virus. I mean, some of the symptoms are not what a virus would do. The 21 symptoms of COVID-19 to watch out for.  I do not know of another cold/flu virus with that many symptoms! Nor do I know of one that has symptoms named after it, “COVID Tongue,” for example.

And what is with this “vaccine”?? I do not know of any vaccine that has been pushed like this one has been. The whole thing really, death counters on the news, like it was something to be proud of or something. Funny how those went away in America once You-Know-Who was in the White House. Odd how that worked out.

To solve any mystery you need to find the “5 W’s” meaning: Who, What, When, Where, and Why?

Who is pushing this? Who is pushing the plandemic is beyond the scope of this humble blog! Here it was, in part, the Democrats plus their backers. It’s fairly obvious, like those “death counters” disappearing from the news the day Creepy Uncle Joe was installed in the White House. But the vaccines, Who is behind those are Big Pharma.

What? What was the intended outcome? The mRNA vaccines. There are deeper agendas, I think, like the Great Reset also involved. Can I prove it? No, but we are being herded toward something that isn’t good.

Why? Money. Period. How much have the drug companies made over the past year plus? How much are they making off the so called “boosters”? Bill Gates Vaccine Empire: Billions in transfer from the poor to the ultra-rich Control, too, but that also involves money!

I have another, “Why”. Why were we so willing to give up our Freedom to even leave our homes in the first place? Oh, right! People testing positive for COVID! Using the PCR test that has to be run out to 40+ cycles to find anything. The creator of that test said it was never designed to pick up SARS CoV-2 because they didn’t have a sample of that virus to use. The real pandemic is an outbreak of PCR testing and there is this: Kary Mullis, Anthony Fauci, and the PCR Testing Fraud 

When? Since before this COVID crap started. They have wanted something like this to happen so they could try this new technology, mRNA vaccines, out. I would be willing to bet there is documentation, hidden, that shows that. Or words to that effect. Here is a link to a video of them discussing this very event (I had to find out on because it keeps disappearing) Monday Night Emergency Broadcast: Video of Fauci and HHS Plotting to Stage Massive Health Scare Using “New Virus” Emerges. Yes, it’s on InfoWars, but that does not make the video of them discussing how to stage a health event to scare the people with any less damning. You just have to scroll down to the video and not pay attention to the rest if you really do NOT like Alex Jones and his website, it’s archived, so he won’t get any anything when you click on the link.

Where? Where hasn’t this been pushed? A few countries that are too poor to pay for their vaccines and testing.

There’s an “H” in there, too. How. How have we lost this much control over our lives? I think that’s easy to answer: watch TV. Any show, on any channel. What do you see? Every commercial break, what do you see? At least one commercial by Big Pharma. At least it’s that way in my area in the United States. On Saturday morning, I was killing time before grocery shopping and turned on “Tom and Jerry” cartoons. First commercial break, an ad for psoriasis drug! I remember when my son was little, back in the nineties, I got fed up with all the junk food ads and wished there was a way to get rid of them. Careful what you wish for, I guess. It’s not just prescription medications that are advertised, there are also ads for OTC meds, too, but who owns those meds?            Every once in a while we are treated to ads by lawyers suing those companies over a chemical they’d sold that have left people sick and/or dying. Here in the States we cannot sue Big Pharma for any harm they’ve done with their vaccines, I’m still surprised we can sue for other harm those companies have caused. When I was studying for my BS in Natural Healing one of the classes required I read parts of “The Politics of Cancer:Revisited”. The book reads like the Congressional Record and some of the info is drawn from it. One of the points in the book is about the revolving door between the board rooms of the chemical companies/big pharma and the governmental agencies tasked with their oversight. We see that with many of the members of the CDC coming from Big pharma, then going back there when they leave the CDC (Centers for Disease Control).

Three of the Scariest Words I’ve Ever Heard

The past few months I’ve heard Independent Commentators discussing “Gain of Function” genetic work being done by the lab in Wuhan China. Where this variant of COVID just happen to come from.

I am no scientist, I’m just a Natural Healer, but I see no logical reason why scientists would modify a virus to be more contagious and more deadly all so they can find a cure for it? For a disease that does not exist yet, but they are inventing in the lab so they can find a cure for it. Sounds like nothing more than a grift to get grant money.

One of the other reasons I’ve heard put forth is, basically, “because we can. So why not?” That has to be one of the more frightening reasons to do something. There are millions of things you can do, but that does not mean it’s a good idea to do them. We have to remember the famous last words of many a drunk person, “HEY Y’ALL!! WATCH THIS!!!” That usually ends badly, although the videos are usually pretty funny. I get the scientific discovery bit and it’s by exploring the unknown that we’re able to expand our knowledge. “Because I/we can”strikes me more as being arrogant than curious, though. Especially when you’re talking about something like viruses. Viruses and bacteria mutate on their own in nature, but nature has a way of placing safeguards on them. Like, if the virus is more contagious, it’s less deadly. Or the more deadly the virus, the less contagious it is. A virus is a living organism, it does it no good to spread quickly and kill a large percentage of the host population. The chances of long term survival for that virus would be poor.

  I just saw something that concerned me over on RT America. Maybe it’s because I’m writing this and am thinking about the blind arrogance of researchers that leads to my concerns, but tell me what you think. Scientists unearth ‘5,000 year old PLAGUE BACTERIA’ that caused Black Death from skull of long-dead pandemic victim in Latvia 

Tell me, knowing what we now know about researchers and scientists, this doesn’t bother you, too. Tell me you are not also concerned some arrogant scientist isn’t going to get that bacteria into a lab and turn that less lethal bacteria into a more lethal variant using “gain of function”. Because they can. So, why not? 

Hopefully when they’re working on this newest bio-weapon it will be in a lab that has security that’s better than a dentist’s office. That is how the security at the Wuhan Lab was described. 

Something to think about. Make our voices heard. Let our governments know we are not ok with them banning gain of function experiments in our country, but funding it on the sly in another.

Two Years Later- Some Mistakes

So, for me, it’s hard to believe that March 16, 2019 was the last time I lived in the home I had loved. As Preppers, we had thought we were prepared for any disaster that would happen in our area.

Mistake #1: Believing when we were told we were safe from flooding in Pacific Junction, Iowa. We had been assured, repeatedly, when my husband first added flood insurance to our policy, that we didn’t need it. After the town had experienced severe flooding in the past the town had taken steps to make sure out didn’t happen again. They’d built levees and added pumps. We saw the pumps work on one occasion, the town hadn’t had them on and there was a heavy late summer downpour. There was several inches of water standing in our yard and some roads in town had waist deep water standing. Emergency Services turned the pumps on and placed the portable ones in the worst areas and the water was gone in a matter of hours. In 2008, when the Feds said we were going to have 5-6ft of water in our house, the pumps kept the town so dry I’d had to water my gardens every day.

So, we didn’t believe we’d end up with 12ft of water in our home, much less have it there for 27 days and didn’t really have a plan for it. Yes, we had evacuation plans, but not ones where we had a matter of a couple hours to get out. 

We saw our neighbor emptying their house and thought were wasting their time, which leads into our second and perhaps, biggest mistake:

Mistake #2: Not watching the local news. Twenty years ago, one of the books I’d had to read for my Bachelor’s in Natural Healing was by Dr. Andrew Weil, I’d had to read 2 or 3 of them and since they were all in the bookcase in the living room at home, I cannot tell you the titles of them. Anyway, he suggested doing a “news fast” and not watch the news for a week every couple months, I don’t remember, now, the exact timing for it, because I started my news fast and only watched the news once since then. That time, I saw that a young man who had worked for my just a couple months prior and then left for Afghanistan, had been killed. Yeah, I never went back again! The local news, at least in Omaha, Ne, for about the first 10 minutes is only about who has killed who in areas of the city where the gangs are, so I didn’t miss that. It is interesting to note that by turning the news off is when I started to change my leftist views and started to move towards a more conservative view of things.

Ok. That went off into a real tangent! This blog isn’t planned so much as it is stream of thought anyway. Where was I? Yes, I did look back at what I’d written! The mistake of not watching local news. If we had, or if we’d even been more engaged with the people in town, we would have known about the flooding danger. I saw the river every day when I crossed it to and from work, I knew it was up, but our first hint of trouble didn’t come until Friday the 15th when I couldn’t get back across the river because all the bridges south of Omaha were closed. To get home from an appointment that was 10 minutes south and west of Omaha, to our home that is 30 min south and east of Omaha, I’d had to drive all the way up to Omaha. What should have been about a 40 minute drive ended up taking me 2 hours after trying both bridges and having to drive up and use the South Omaha Bridge. There is one other bridge that’s close to PJ I could have tried, but… If the brand new bridge I normally used was closed, the Plattsmouth bridge my great uncle has built in the early 1900’s was definitely closed! I loved my Uncle Roland, he was a fantastic Engineer, and he built it using the best materials and techniques of the times, but over 100 years later of private ownership and that bad boy always struck me as just plain sketchy! Sorry, another mini tangent.

Saturday, the 16th Bear, my husband, did get the guns out, but left the 10,000+ rounds of ammo where it was stored on the main floor of the house so you can imagine what happened to it. He’s still working on getting what’s reloadable cleaned. He’s just started working on it over the last few months and the case cleaner is here where I live and not at his condo up where he works during the week so he only messes with it once or twice a month at most. 

  Here are my final thoughts. First, never say, “never.” If you live in an area where it’s flooded in the past, don’t believe the authorities when they say they’ve corrected the “problem”. Unless that river had been moved 50 miles away, there is always a chance that levee will breech after the idiots upstream start releasing too much water. It doesn’t have to be a flood, that’s what this is about and so I used it as my example. Know what Nature can do in your area and make plans to deal with what ever it could be. Weather patterns are changing, getting more severe and extreme since the Magnetic Fields surrounding the Earth started weakening. Cosmic Rays are getting through and affecting the weather, but that’s a topic for another time. If you’re curious go to: Suspicious Observers.

Ok. Just some of my thoughts on what happened 2 years ago.

Good Bye to the USA We Knew

For the first time in the last few years, I can say I’m soooo glad my father has crossed over. He was a proud World War Two veteran. He loved and respected the country that was formed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. He would not recognize the America we’re living in today. I thank the Gods the dementia was so advanced at the end of his life that he didn’t see what had been done to President Trump, Dad crossed over part way through Trump’s second year in Office.

I’m not a Constitutional Lawyer, or even a Lawyer for that matter, but I have read, heard and seen the videos of evidence showing the fraud and treason in the 2020 general election and I believe it. I repeat: the election was stolen from Donald J. Trump and other Republicans. Or those who didn’t follow the Plans as set out by the “Deep State”. I use that term, “Deep State” because I do not have any real idea who is behind destruction of my country.

I’ve been fighting the Kung Flu (COVID-19) since the American holiday Thanksgiving, which is the last Thursday in Nov, and have missed some of what has been happening. On Jan 6th, I was fighting stomach flu and did not watch in realtime what happened in D.C. I did text with friends and said, at the time, people who looked like Trump supporters had gotten into the Capital building. I have since watched the videos of the Capital Police opening the barricades and waving people through, so they hardly “stormed” the building. You can’t storm or break into a place you’re let into. I have never seen a Trump supporter who wears all black, except for a MAGA hat, before that day. Nor one who gives the BLM fist in the air salute, either.Where

Now, a few wealthy Tech company owners have silenced an American citizen, not only that, but the sitting President! Why? I read his Tweets, not one of them called for violence or insurrection of any kind. It reminded me of when a disliked Pharaoh would die and their names would be struck from pillars and things. They are trying to impeach him and use the 25th Amendment against him, too. Declare him unfit for office. If that was not enough, they are talking about charging Donald Trump with insurrection!!

To anyone living in America and reading this: if they can do this to someone who is as wealthy as he is, who is the President, too. What can they do to us? I’m taking a huge chance writing this, in fact I’m afraid for the first time in my life to speak out. In f-ing America! I’m afraid to speak out! If it is found out who I am I could lose my job, piss ant that it may be, but they will lash out at my husband, Bear, and ruin his career, which is not piss ant by any means. However, I fear what I’m seeing more. The censorship is by far the most disturbing. There is no such thing as “hate speech,” at least not until the last 4 years. It is a convenient term invented to use to silence people. I am sure some of what I’ve written here would be termed that if I catch the notice of the censors. Gods!! That I would use that word, “censors,” in relation to this country, I had to force myself to write it.

I dread the next 4 years, and beyond. Even after carrying out blatant election fraud, after inciting violent and destructive riots in 2020; after attempting multiple times to fraudulently remove a sitting president and being allowed to get away with it all, the Democrats are  not going to give up that kind of power again. Ever. 

I hope I haven’t just ruined our lives with this. Luckily for me, I do not have a big enough following. Fingers crossed. 

I Got to Thinking Just Now

I was watching, yet, another commercial telling me to vote full of actors and funded by some shadowy group that are no doubt funded by Democrats. American Democrats. And it got me thinking.. I know, that’s dangerous nowadays. Actors and Actresses, are paid liars. I mean, Brad Pitt isn’t paid hundreds of millions of dollars to stand there and be Brad Pitt. He’s paid to lie to us that he’s someone else, doing shit he’d never do in real life. Or that stupid guy riding a fake purple cow selling Experian Boost (just saw the ad).

Anyway. These Hollywood Shills who are trying to convince we in America that they support Crazy Uncle Joe and his Ho are being paid to lie to us, again. Think about it. They are, most of them, in the tax bracket that those two and their Socialist backers want to raise taxes on. Why would they support that? I know, they’ll do what they did before, move their wealth out of the States. Then leave when things get too bad here under the socialism they act like they are for.

So, we turn the tables on those shills. They want to back Socialism and Joe Biden, then we make them sign pledges to keep their wealth in this country. A pledge that when things go to hell in this country after Crazy Uncle Joe is elected, they stay in this country they helped destroy. See how willing they are to stay backing Biden and his Leftie backers. The same goes for those billionaires who back the Dems.

Never before has an election had so much riding on it. I think in other countries, too, but for sure here in the States. 

Ok. Time for bed for me. Vote. Women, vote. I know the Donald is an ass, he always has been!! I didn’t expect him to be any different than he’d always been when I voted for him in 2016. That’s why I voted for him!